钱红在2004年创办的Sinosoins诊所,已接待了成千上万的病患者。 超过98%的治疗有效,超过95%的患者得到了治愈。





TCM’s diagnosis and treatment is through analysing the signs and symptoms collected through the four methods of diagnosis (observation, listening/smelling, inquiring, pulse feeling and palpation) to find the cause and nature of the disease.

yin yang, harmony, balance

Ying and Yang are described as two opposing and supplementing forces in the universe. According to the principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the theory of Ying and Yang refers to wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

The blackish color on a person’s skin can indicate that the kidney system is not working well. Another area that we often see this color is around the eyes. Black can be an indication of a sign of blood stagnation, severe yin and/or yang deficiency or damage.

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